We are very good lawyers for our own mistakes,
and very good judges for the mistakes of others
How bad s/he is
See s/he is having extra marital affair
We all have this moralometer...moral compass which we are always using it on other people...
We are always using it on public figures specially politicians. ..govt. Servants...newsmakers.. colleague...n..neighbours
but when it had to look within most of times it gives confused readings......
Imagine, if you can have an accurate moralometer—an inexpensive device you could point at someone to get an accurate reading of their overall moral goodness or badness. Point it at a criminal and see it plunge down into the deep red of evil. Point it at your favorite friend and see it rise up to the bright green of near perfection. Would this be a good thing or a bad thing to have?
But here comes the dichotomy ...although there is no.such machine but we all tend to have it....
Do morally good people make better business leaders, or better school teachers, or better spouses, or better civil engineers? Simply look for correlations between moralometer outputs and performance measures. Voila.
Imagine, too, the practical uses!
Take a moralometer reading beforehand, to ensure you aren't marrying a wrong person... Before taking those wedding vows... bring out the moralometer. Actually, you might as well use it on the first date.
But... Wow what a dichotomy ....although it doesn't exist....everybody is using it against others except on Self.......
Coming After a beautiful social evening....
Firat thing we do is to judge the host of party.......
We all just know, cheaply and easily, who are the saints, who are the devils, and where everyone else is situated throughout the middle except ourselves.
Maybe JUDGING moral character is nobody's business.
If moral character is mostly about how you generally treat people in the world around you, well, that seems like that very much is other people's business.
If moral character is about how you would hypothetically act in various situations, a case could be made that even those hypotheticals are other people's business: The HR department, the future spouse, etc., might reasonably want to know whether you are, in general, the type of person who would, when the opportunity arises, lie and cheat, exploit others, shirk, take unfair advantage.
Maybe the issue is fairness? If accurate moralometers were prevalent, maybe people low on the moral scale would have trouble finding jobs and romantic partners. Maybe they'd be awarded harsher sentences for committing the same crimes as others of more middling moral status. Maybe they'd be shamed at parties, on social media, in public gatherings—forced to confess their wrongs, made to promise penance and improvement?
But unfortunately in real life moral character are found to be poorly correlated with, or even inversely correlated with, business success, or success in movies, or creative talent.
So in public life low to middling mortality is not being a stigma—maybe even in some circles a badge of honor. Maybe it's the prudish, the self-righteous, the precious, the smug, the sanctimonious who value morality so much. Most of us might rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.
Sir enjoy your Tawang trip
ReplyDeleteJai Hind sir, well well analyse . Regards
ReplyDeleteToo deep Sir.
ReplyDeleteEverything True sir
ReplyDeleteVery True, It's about knowing how to correct our perspective rather than expecting from others to change as per our wisdom.... We expect to attain perfection without polishing inner self..
ReplyDeleteVery truely said Your judgments about another person say more about your own character...
Very true sir.Judging one's moral character is nobody's business.
ReplyDeleteOne must judge ourself before others...... honest policy.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is I know what wrong doings I habe done in my life but why I am so confident or facing you all so boldly is because I know that you people are unaware about my wrong doings!
ReplyDeleteLoving it!! Just awesome👏👏