Saturday, November 12, 2022


In one month I will be completing  two years on my assignment. ..and have faced ample critique to my work as in this place MAYANG...means a person who is outsider is never accepted....
Had listened to slangs...comments...conspiracies..

But then I remembered  when I was in college we used to call any student from NE India as ...chinki....

Later as I grew up I realized I wss totally wrong and when I got posted to NE ...I realized more so as we all are unique whether khasi. .or ..meitei..or ..naga..bihari...punjabi..and finally we are INDIANS first and always....

Therefore  I kept on doing my work without prejudice, so I never got upset on people who were criticizing I knew that its only resistance to change which my staff is afraid...not hatred ..n I can say know looking back that my strategy to cope with smile has worked. ..we are able to improve ourselves and our work place together

My behaviour is based on a story I learnt in my school

Once upon a time, Buddha was passing through a village. A young man came up to him and began insulting him. 

He shouted at him and said, “You have no right teaching others. You are fake and fraud and nothing else. You are as stupid as everyone else.”

Surprisingly, Buddha was not at all upset by these insults. Instead, he asks the young man, “Tell me, if you buy a gift for someone and that person refuses to take it. Then to whom does that gift belong?” 

The young man was shocked and surprised by the strange question. He replied, “I bought the gift, so if the other person refuses to take it, then it belongs to me.”

Buddha smiled and nodded his head and said, “That is correct. The gift belongs to you”. Further, he added that it is exactly the case with his anger.

He said, “You are constantly insulting me. But I refuse to take it. So just as in the case of the gift, your anger falls back on you. You are the only one who becomes unhappy, not me. All you have done throughout is hurt yourself. 

What I Learnt

If you are one of those who feel bad or depressed when someone insults you then just ignore them.

This is the most effective way of handling and dealing with insults. At first, it may sound very difficult that if somebody is constantly cursing you in your face then how can you ignore them.

But by practice and patience, you can achieve that state when insult does not make an iota of difference in your mind, body, thoughts, and life.

You will be happy always no matter what people say about you.

And if you are one of those who is just like the young man, who insult and curse others, then stop doing that no matter how angry you are with them. Because by cursing them, you are cursing yourself.

So better learn to smile 


  1. Yes sir you are right. Indian are Mayang in Manipur and Dakhar in Meghalaya.... I mean we are foreigner in our country.

  2. Always keep Smiling..

  3. Exactly, In my profession my criticize, my complaint to my superior but I never upset n give up..I constantly work on my strategies so I success, result no criticize n complaint to my boss 😇

  4. Ranjana Pandey PanigrahiNovember 12, 2022 at 6:26 PM

    Meaningful... I learnt about this story of Buddha first time.. and I agree about the anger and insult part of it.... However, I don't think criticism is something we shouldn't take... Learning and improvement sometimes comes from criticism.. yes, the purpose and intent matters. If positive, it can help us make strategic shifts in our lives n approaches. So, don't forget... "निंदक नियरे राखिये, ऑंगन कुटी छवाय ।
    बिन पानी, साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुभाय।"

  5. Ranjana Pandey PanigrahiNovember 12, 2022 at 6:48 PM

    By the way, it's a good one that helps us understand how not to carry the pain and move on.. 🙏

  6. Nicely stated how we should move on a positive note than to get disturb with other critisism but at the same time we can improve a lot with their criticism.

  7. Sir it's not about Mayang Or Meitei. It's about the nature of the person you encounter. They resist because you bring a lot of changes and developments. You see how Jesus Christ was crucified and Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead. Very few people resist them. But in the end everybody worship them for their good deeds

    1. Thanx for your vomments

    2. So true Sir. The art of ignoring negativity is very important and hard to achieve.. Well written!👍🏻

  8. Enlightening as always. It's important to ignore the negative energy many people try to pass on to one and move on.

  9. Don't worry Sir, We are all Mayangs somewhere at some point of time. People accommodate changes with the results, developments and with the passage of time. In the long run a wise man changes his mind. Keep smiling and continue the good works.

  10. Heikrujam BidyasiniMarch 15, 2023 at 4:25 PM

    The one thing I like most is testing the waters, only then one will find the like minded people, may it be in my hometown or other places, everyone faces such criticism at several points of life but the world ain't so bad, there are people who welcome changes and accept us for who we are, those are the like minded people. One is not alone being in a country of diverse ethnicity, it is on us to digest and cope with people who accept us or not. It is best to ignore bad things and accept the good things , afterall what we all need is peace of mind.


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