Friday, July 16, 2021

ShAred MeMories

How thoughts affect our lives

‍How does thoughts are germinated ...from where they come when we r there some library or Google cloud of thoughts...
or we r receiver antenna who catches the frequency for which we tune ourselves .
are thoughts a form of energy it never ceases to exist....

.these were some  questions I have not got any conclusive proof till now....

but Imphal weather n serenity  has again rekindled these thoughts....

To make it simpler ...yes it's true that we gain knowledge through our studies ..n experiences..n observations...which helps us to make views n opinions about certain things...but ...people like me who talks non stop on all stupid topics from where these ideas keep on coming....
so I looked backed again to my psychology days ...n old books n new researches n tried to get some answers...
From where these thoughts come suddenly ...
from repository of thoughts travelling in space ....which means ...thoughts are omnipresent ..for centuries ..n they are  like energy which can't be destroyed but it only changes forms...

I feel for centuries thoughts are traveling ...n people having similar thoughts...or in present those who have shared memories...are able to connect to them by their decryptor in mind...n similarly when ever we think it gets encrypted...for some one to decipher it if s/he is having right codes for it....
Further based on requirement we translate sometimes into words...but most of time these thoughts kindles our emotions ....sudden thought of your old girl friend ...or a tough fight we have been ...n with thoughts our mind gives us emotional feelings as well as associated physiological factually thoughts have power of real experiences...
This is my theory...but the practical aspect of it means that if we use this power of thought...we can connect with right people ..called as ESP extra sensory perception....I feel if we create shared memories...n then through thoughts try to relate with each other we's more powerful then call as it has emotion attached to in our lives shared memories ...n  thoughts are the only thing which makes us tick....

So let's create more shared memories....


  1. Baba Raghu kutei ki jai ho.. this blog triggered thoughts, shared memories and emotions attached..sone things don't need any theory.. why shud they be understood by everyone alike? Just feeling them and censoring them in our wisdom is also bliss 😀😀 We may have shared thoughts, memories and emotions but feelings attached for each one may not exactly be the same.. what say??

  2. That's what is shared memory our cross connection ..n still working

  3. Telepathy will be the right term to connect thoughts with same frequency of mindset, sir. Your thoughts in this subject is very high... ,sir. arommelsingh.

  4. Some memories are sweet
    Some are bitter
    Some bring tears to ur eyes.
    Save only those memories
    Which twinkle your eyes
    And not wrinkle your face


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