Sunday, February 6, 2022



This quote was once shared with me by a friend
People come into our life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When one figures out which one it is, one will know what to do for each person….”.

One does not meet people by accident – they come into our life for a reason.

Yes, even the irritating ones.

If a relationship doesn’t survive the test of time, it doesn’t mean it still wasn’t meant to be.

Not all encounters with people are supposed to last forever. 

Sometimes the “forever” is not the person – but what we gain from them.

There’s a harmony and purpose for each person you meet....

Friendships and relationships, even workplace colleagues nearly always come to an end — as is the natural circle of life. The nature of life is constant change. And change can be a real bitch to say the very least. It can be totally devastating.
One can rest assured on this fact that it is almost certain — one poof and something happens (e.g redundancy, break up, death, car accident) and everything changes...

Comfort is only in putting something through a different lens to view in a different way.

When someone is in our life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need one expressed. They have come to assist us through a difficulty; to provide us with guidance and support..
They seem like a godsend, and they are. Then, without any wrongdoing on our part…they r gone....

When some people come into our life for a SEASON, it is probably our turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring us an experience of peace or make us laugh. They may teach us something one has never done.  Believe it. It is real.
But this is only for a short period of time....

LIFETIME relationships remains,
One has to build a solid emotional foundation. One's job is to accept the person , love & trust the person,
and put one has learned to use in all other relationships and areas of our life....



These people are not meant to last for the long road ahead. They are an enjoyable pathway to get us to where we need to go.

These people are needed to arrive exactly at the time and place you met them – to transport us to the next level of our life journey.

One meet these people for a reason – even if they are only here for a season.


These people come into your life to delay us – for both little things and big things.

For example,
one might have a conversation with someone – which then delays  and prevents you from getting into accident.

Sometimes rejection is a redirection to something better....
Well, that’s what these people do. They might show up as a rejector – but they are a redirector.


Often our tormentors double duty as as mentors.

They are here to teach us important life lessons – via the process of pain – which helps us to grow ...

Some people are just straight-up inspiring teachers – who teach us life lessons in a more loving manner.


These people are here to protect us and remind us to stay safe and stay self loving.

They are “guardian angels” of some sort.

Their purpose: Make sure that one does not stray too far from the path one is meant to be on.

In times of need and desperation they help us – when others are not there for


These are the ones who are here to stay the long haul.

These people are far and few between – but they are the ones who are loyally there for you during tough times and celebratory times.

They see one clearly and accept one as he/she with flaws

Clan members support  when one is invisible to others.

Clan members root for one with a pure heart – when others might feel competitive or jealous.


They represent and symbolize something one desires...
They r dreams... They come... Let us fulfill a dream N vanish
As if they were never there

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Web of Relationship.... Entanglement or Love

Are You in a Web of Relationship called entanglement or Love

It's amazing that suddenly my inner psychologist has come back.... recently one of my junior got sought my advice regarding her entanglement which is now creating chaos in her life as she is not able to come out of web........I as time honoured practice of being a psychologist gave her a patient hearing... And later we delved upon the issue... But this led me to think about Web of  entanglement in relationship... 
Meeting someone n still not sure what's the relationship.... It happens n as we grow it happens more... Is it a relationship growing or just N entanglement.... 

Are you in a relationship, or are you in web of entanglement?
A relationship is one where both people are in harmony. And that's exactly what it feels like: in tune, relaxed, and just plain fun.

I feel some or other time we all get web of  entanglements masquerading as real relationships....

It's signatures are 

You keep having the same issues

When you find yourself having the same old argument with your partner for the umpteenth time, that's a pretty good sign you're likely in an entanglement. 

You don't feel safe or understood

Entanglements feel like you have to shut down a part of yourself. If you're feeling like your partner just doesn't get you, and that you're not free to say exactly what's on your mind, you know you're not in a real relationship.

Someone always needs to be right

It is characterized by power struggles. Both people are vying for the title of victim, thus making the other the perpetrator. Nobody ever wins.

It's just so hard

If you're feeling drained with your partner, you're likely caught up in an entanglement. 

Is it normal to be entangled...i feel yes....It's completely normal. 
Most people have been in an entanglement, and a lot of them have been in many.

We all come to relationships with unresolved issues from our past, and we naturally look to our partners to make us feel good about ourselves. And so it's always a surprise when we finally think we've found love, only to experience pain and frustration.
What can be done
Identify that you're in an web of entanglement

Knowing whether you're in a pattern of entanglement is key to resolving it once and for all. Otherwise, there's a "blind spot" that keeps you from moving forward, and you're doomed to keep repeating the pain and struggle.

End the entanglement or transform it into a real relationship

Once you know you're dealing with an entanglement, you can harness all that energy you've been spending on conflict, and instead use it to come up with creative solutions. You can transform the entanglement into a real relationship, or you can end the entanglement with peace of mind, armed with the insight you need to create love and harmony in the future..... 

This is the free advice I gave to my friend... Hope to read your views also.....

The Many Sides of the Self: Reflections at Ashoka, Coffee Breaks, and Lal Legionaries

What a turnaround, just few months back when life was so fast-paced I barely knew where the time went. Now, I'm sitting here...