Wednesday, November 15, 2023


The rise of the two factors, smartphones and social media, is a watershed event in human evolution...

Keeping human evolution till 2000 
And from 2000 ....till now.... 
the process of change in generation is by leaps n bound..
Earlier generational changes were based on development in field of technological innovation ...n accordingly segregation was done but this i gen has transformed everything...
Earlier history was written by historians invariably keeping in view ppl who were rulers...n books were written...which were kept the n libraries
Now every human being is documenting its own history by use of social media apps...whether Facebook ... Instagram... .tinder..etc
No more life is dependent on other human being but on apps running on AI.... 
Teens today are shaped by smartphones, and social media... this generationis called as iGen.

The people, born after...2010 are growing up with smartphones, and can not remember the time before advent of internet..

The impact of these devices brought a radical change in the lives of all of us .. From social interaction to  mental health...people today are living their lives on their smartphones. The deleterious effect of ‘screen time’ has not been fully appreciated by many.
iGen’s life on smartphones have made them more comfortable in their bedrooms. They typically choose to be at home rather than in a car, or at a party, which means they are physically safer than their predecessors. They are less likely to get into car accidents, or get a taste for alcohol, as well as they are less susceptible to getting diseases from others...
iGen seems less likely to date. People today merely even talk. The initial stage of courtship, which Gen Xers called “liking”, teens now call as “talking” — the generation’s choice as texting has been their preferred mode for actual conversation...

Staying in their bedrooms also means that teens today don’t need to get their own money that they need to hang out with other kids....

In fact, members of the iGen have more leisure time than their predecessors. These teens don’t work, they spend less time on homework than Gen X teens, and they seldom go out with friends. What they do with all their time is use their smartphone, stay in their rooms, alone and often distressed.

The greatest irony of today’s generation is that though most of the time the teens are at home together with their parents, it doesn’t mean that they are close to their mothers and fathers. Teens today rarely converse with their parents so they can focus on their smartphones.  
One of my psychologist friend in Delhi told me that  spend much of their time keeping up with friends, but nearly all of it was over text or Snapchat. 

The hang out spots of teens like the football ground...tea has been replaced by virtual places or gaming zones where today’s kids go....

Teens today, though they do not go out frequently, when they do, they document it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. The other kids who are not invited are clearly aware of it. 
Social media also add a psychic tax on social media posting as well. They get anxious about other people’s comments and likes. 

But I found this true for people like us  also....people who r older also have glued on this smartphone life
So is it a transitional phase or cusp of major change in human evolution....
I have no clue but whatever it is I feel good that I'm able to see this transition...

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


‍‍‍Marriage Box‍

As we all know marriage at start is an empty box.. N love is in people not in marriage... Romance is infused in marriage
Now seeing things around me I feel the very reason of cheating.. Divorce.. Etc.. is predominantly is this concept 

It is ugly that the court and the law and the state interfere in our private life -- one has  to ask their permission to get seperated..
. Who are they? It is a question between two individuals, their private affairs.

But man has created societies, cultures, civilizations, rules, regulations, and made the whole humanity unnatural.  men and women either become husbands and wives -- which is something absolutely ugly; they start owning each other.... People are not things, you cannot have ownership.
No wife is anybody's property, no husband is anybody's property.
What kind of world have we created? People are reduced to properties; then there is jealousy, hatred. 
The problem is: biologically man is attracted to woman, women are attracted to men, but that attraction cannot remain the same forever. You are attracted to something which is a challenge to get. You see a beautiful man, a beautiful woman; you are attracted. Nothing is wrong in it. You feel your heart beating faster. You would like to be with this woman or man, and the attraction is so tremendous that in that moment you think you would like to live with this woman forever.
In a better, more intelligent world, people will love, but will not make any contracts. It is not a business! They will understand each other, and they will understand the changing flux of life. They will be true to each other. The moment the man feels that now his beloved holds no joy for him, he will say that the time has come to part. There is no need for marriage, there is no need for divorce. Then friendship will be possible. 

Why friendship is not possible between men and women.... Friendship is not possible between the jailor and the imprisoned.
Friendship is possible between equal human beings, totally free from all bondage of society, culture, civilization, only living true to their authentic nature. It is not an insult to the woman to say, "Honey, the honeymoon is over." It is not an insult to the man if the woman says, "Now things cannot be beautiful. The wind that has blown is no longer there."  because there is no legal bondage of marriage, there is no question of any divorce.

The woman is dependent on man because he used to earn. And for centuries men have not allowed women to be educated, to be in business, to have jobs, for the simple reason that if the woman has her own financial status, her own bank account, man cannot reduce her to a thing. 

Marriage creates the need to get rid of each other in form of affairs..DIVORCE etc for any reason love is not there
 because it means freedom is taken away -- and freedom is the highest value in human life.

If marriage disappears, divorce disappears automatically. This is a by-product of marriage. 

I know there r things if not made legal men will misuse this freedom but now or in near future woman will become independent.. N then we may have to rethink on this concept of marriage based on legal contract....

The Many Sides of the Self: Reflections at Ashoka, Coffee Breaks, and Lal Legionaries

What a turnaround, just few months back when life was so fast-paced I barely knew where the time went. Now, I'm sitting here...