Wednesday, November 15, 2023


The rise of the two factors, smartphones and social media, is a watershed event in human evolution...

Keeping human evolution till 2000 
And from 2000 ....till now.... 
the process of change in generation is by leaps n bound..
Earlier generational changes were based on development in field of technological innovation ...n accordingly segregation was done but this i gen has transformed everything...
Earlier history was written by historians invariably keeping in view ppl who were rulers...n books were written...which were kept the n libraries
Now every human being is documenting its own history by use of social media apps...whether Facebook ... Instagram... .tinder..etc
No more life is dependent on other human being but on apps running on AI.... 
Teens today are shaped by smartphones, and social media... this generationis called as iGen.

The people, born after...2010 are growing up with smartphones, and can not remember the time before advent of internet..

The impact of these devices brought a radical change in the lives of all of us .. From social interaction to  mental health...people today are living their lives on their smartphones. The deleterious effect of ‘screen time’ has not been fully appreciated by many.
iGen’s life on smartphones have made them more comfortable in their bedrooms. They typically choose to be at home rather than in a car, or at a party, which means they are physically safer than their predecessors. They are less likely to get into car accidents, or get a taste for alcohol, as well as they are less susceptible to getting diseases from others...
iGen seems less likely to date. People today merely even talk. The initial stage of courtship, which Gen Xers called “liking”, teens now call as “talking” — the generation’s choice as texting has been their preferred mode for actual conversation...

Staying in their bedrooms also means that teens today don’t need to get their own money that they need to hang out with other kids....

In fact, members of the iGen have more leisure time than their predecessors. These teens don’t work, they spend less time on homework than Gen X teens, and they seldom go out with friends. What they do with all their time is use their smartphone, stay in their rooms, alone and often distressed.

The greatest irony of today’s generation is that though most of the time the teens are at home together with their parents, it doesn’t mean that they are close to their mothers and fathers. Teens today rarely converse with their parents so they can focus on their smartphones.  
One of my psychologist friend in Delhi told me that  spend much of their time keeping up with friends, but nearly all of it was over text or Snapchat. 

The hang out spots of teens like the football ground...tea has been replaced by virtual places or gaming zones where today’s kids go....

Teens today, though they do not go out frequently, when they do, they document it on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. The other kids who are not invited are clearly aware of it. 
Social media also add a psychic tax on social media posting as well. They get anxious about other people’s comments and likes. 

But I found this true for people like us  also....people who r older also have glued on this smartphone life
So is it a transitional phase or cusp of major change in human evolution....
I have no clue but whatever it is I feel good that I'm able to see this transition...


  1. Agree with each and every word.... True but sad...

  2. True term 'i Gen' to correctly define the new generation... No doubt the advent of new technology has brought remarkable changes in younger ones life... They are quite advance and tech savvy compare to older generation but it has it's disadvantages.. It has serious impact on their social life and psychological development as they have become self content ... They are living in virtual life that have adverse impact on their growth... It's really an eye opener and knowledgeable blog... Thanks Sir..

  3. V nice blog Rajnish. I especially liked the last statement which is full of positivity and the ability to find something positive in all situations.


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