Saturday, September 10, 2022


वक़्त से दिन और रात
वक़्त से कल और आज
वक़्त की हर शै गुलाम
वक़्त का हर शै पे राज

A phase came in my life where i got trapped in time ...and used to think i will never came out of was a time which seemed as it will never get over...feeling life is dwindling

Another phase has again come wherein i feel time is running too fast...two years have passed and it looks like it is only two months ...feels energetic full of life

Psychological time is the reason that we lose the present moment and get trapped with so called PROBLEM. 
I realized that often there is really nothing to do at this very moment, so it is not useful to even think about the problem... Of course I’m not talking about ignoring a situation or not thinking to find a solution to a challenge. I’m talking about the unnecessary time we spend thinking a situation over and over and can’t let go of it. The first is in the realm of clock time, the later in the realm of psychological time.

Psychological time spent is in the memories of past or in the projection of the future which is required to be reduced to miminum. It takes some practice and the willingness to stay in the present moment, but it enables us to dissolve a lot of so-called problems that only become such if we dwell on them.

Our daily life is full of time. We are surrounded by time from getting up in the morning until checking the alarm clock in the evening. At work there are appointments and pressing deadlines.

But most of time we are physically present but mentally absent... 

.By splitting our mental attention in such a way there is always the possiblity to get stuck in time. Then we take our attention away from the present moment and we lose ourselves by thinking in time.

But being fully in the present moment  The Now...... is the key to spiritual awakening, or to say the least, to live a happier and more liberated life. So how can we balance the fact that we have to use time so often and also stay more present?

The Use of Clock Time

Any use of clock time for practical and useful purposes is absolutely necessary and helpful. This includes nearly all activities that need time as appointments, schedules etc. Even goals with a deadline are in the area of clock time. If we look at it closely, if we want to create something to until certain date, we set a deadline so that everything we do will be ready then. We create a plan to meet the deadline and then execute it. Maybe we have to rearrange the deadline, but the use of time here is no problem. This means, we can be fully present – have our attention in the present moment – by doing this.

What is Psychological Time?

On the contrary psychological time is something very different. It always occurs if we dwell on a situation mentally, then we drop out of the present moment. But when we start projecting ourselves constantly into the future (or past) and live there in the mind, we become unsatisfied with what is and dismiss the present moment. It becomes a means to the end and we want to be at the end.

What happens if we are in Psychological Time

If we create this psychological time, we get trapped in our mind. It happens that we create a problem out of a situation and the mind won’t let go of it. This is really not a small thing, it happens constantly. For instance if you watch the news and you see something terrible, did it happen to you that you could not let go of it for several minutes or even hours? It burdens you, although there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Funny enough there are a lot of very pleasant things going on right now, but the news showed exactly the very bad thing and the mind could get trapped in it.
Now this scenario may not happen to you if you have a certain control over your mind, but let’s shift to a more personal situation, maybe you could lose money, your job or even a person. Now it is much harder to stay present and not to lose yourself in the problem and thinking constantly over it.

 There is never a reason to dwell on the situation and by that create a problem in our mind. Often there is really nothing to do at this very moment, so it is not useful to even think about the problem...

 Of course I’m not talking about ignoring a situation or not thinking to find a solution to a challenge. I’m talking about the unnecessary time we spend thinking a situation over and over and can’t let go of it. The first is in the realm of clock time, the later in the realm of psychological time.

The key is to use Clock Time AND to stay present

If we become able to see a situation not as a problem but as something that comes to the present moment and will be handled (only) then, we also become able to stay present. By setting goals and fulfilling own visions we still are able to create the environment we desire. But even then there is no reason to leave the present moment with our mind. The key here is to see our vision in the present moment.

The future always depends on the quality of our present moment. The present moment is of quality if we are fully present.

So from my point of view it is totally achievable and advisable to reduce the amount of such psychological time, where we are in the memories of past or in the projection of the future, to a minimum. It takes some practice and the willingness to stay in the present moment, but it enables us to dissolve a lot of so-called problems that only become such if we dwell on them.

The butterfly counts not months but moments,
and has time enough.


  1. Gd mrng sir, your blog about time is wonderful, I recommend it will be worth to listen cyndi lauper's TIME AFTER TIME .

  2. Very True , our future depends upon quality of our present moment. In our culture also we always gives so much weightage to the future that we unknowingly sacrifice our beautiful present moment... Child is studying in 5 standard and we are worried about his future as doctor... We never really think about what that child really wants ... truly we all should know how to balance the psychological time and learn how to live the present moment....
    Really very useful and informative content ...

  3. I don't know about the theory behind psychological time.. have learnt about the importance of the present moment for sure.. this concept if psychological time appears interesting because while being aware of the present i can move beyond it, travel in my psychological time, beyond this present body... it can make us aware of what never was, what never will be.. that's the power I see in it.. and terming it is 'a oroblem' may be reducing its Power.. Example- out of body experience.. watching the present from outside the body, a bliss.. I see that as psychological time.. much powerful than the reality we live.. what say?

  4. The butterfly counts not months but moments: really true .... Reducing the amount of psychological time n focusing on clock time to stay at present is really great. Time is just like fire that burns everybody. Sometimes it's fun to freeze time n stay coooool


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