Friday, June 11, 2021


Gods n Goddesses in metro trains

‍‍‍Hey maa... Aaj I had darshan of devi maa in metro train... 

The devi with her only two hands was holding one bag in front other two 👜 in other hand ... 
N then she put mobile phone charger in socket n was talking with her divya ear n then she managed to take out her apple n was eating n phone was held between her ears n neck n from other.. Ohh maa water bottle came out
Whatever was happening in crowd devi kept using her weapon.... sorry meant mobile phone... 
I felt my life is complete today to see devi in human form....

Then I realized I find other sort of devi...devta ....rakshas....on metro..daily
 Just as a guide to identify them I will classify them for y

The mobile gyani
The most peaceful and harmless of the lot, they’re not bothered about anything that’s happening around them (not even their own kids!) the ganesha are found deeply engrossed in their  mobiles.... They can be seen in every corner and compartment of the metro. 

Devi selfie 🤳 queen
This type of devi is always decked up and in modern era called as selfie queens obsessing over themselves nonchalant of the hustle and bustle of the metro. The selfie formula is the same everywhere - take your positions, angle yourselves, insert pout and  click........
away from as far as the handallows....
So, instead of making faces at them.... Feel that you r dhanya as you r able to see their pout faces on metro itself.. 

Mohini..The gig
These devis giggle....laugh and chatter in high-pitched tones and riding the metro with them is like listening to FM channel radio mirchi...
Don't ask them to shut up as they will put you in a soup ... Just adore them

Couple Kaamdev n rati...lovers
This type of devi n devta can be seen entwined in each other all over the metro! They sometimes are so into each other, they don’t seem to notice how awkward it gets for others around them. If you spot one of these.... Either remember your time or close your eyes

Nobody wants to wake up (and confront) the sleeping giant; even if they are the types who are just pretending to sleep in the space reserved for the old or the physically challenged. These characters can be seen in a Metro on any route - if found just avoid them... 

Manthra... the adjuster
‘Thoda adjust karlo please’....
welcome the Manthra in metro
They squeeze in the tiniest of space they see and eventually leave your rear hanging in mid-air. They will sweet talk you into giving up your seat!

Indra dev..the musical 
These type of men or women are noisy and are often seen screeching into their phones, ‘can’t hear you
They can't  lower their volume, as these people think it’s cool n perfectly right to talk like this...
They make us part of their personal taste of music also as their favourite bhajan of Honey Singh tunes loudly and proudly .... 

Narada...the spy
These type of devi n devta love to spy or snoop around.... by peeping into their phones and just can’t mind their own business! Sit or stand at a distance from such people as they often turn into present era stalkers.... 

The Eternal watchman...always

S/he who always occupies position near matter he/she has to board down at the terminating station...

The tired yodha
They’ll sit anywhere, anyhow, anytime. Where ever they can find a spot, they’ll put their bags and perch themselves there.. in ladies compartment
It’s a human tendency that when you’re told not to do something or go somewhere, you always want to do just that and so is the case with these shikhandi who always try their luck to get into the ladies compartment.


  1. Sir, since you know about Shikhandi I assumed you are enlightened with rich knowledge of culture, heritage, customs etc... So I recommend 👌you to join YUVA SCHEME. @ arommelsingh 😄

  2. Sir, nicely churned out the experience of delhi metro..


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