Saturday, May 29, 2021


How far we have come from 
Having different meanings of roses ...
.to selecting cards at Archie's shop...
to finding out the difference between best friend...I like you love you..
..n finally the first kiss...these are the shared memories we all cherish as we keep on growing
So does having virtual relationship stoppped or enhanced creating shared memories

 Nowadays we all  text—text... selfies...even wishing birthday n anniversary are through text n smileys ...does it is able to convey the emotion ...
. Many young people are now experiencing their first “romantic” relationship on their phones. Teenage couples begin texting each other intimately and voraciously often before they are even friends, texting things to each other that they would never (ever) say in person. Having a real life relationship with your friend is no longer a prerequisite for having a virtual relationship with him. ....or does people have time to spend...
Nowadays, when a person says s/he is “liking” someone, it generally means that s/he has someone with whom s/he texts around the clock.  It doesn’t however, mean that s/he talks to that person more (or at all) in real life.   Being part of a couple also doesn’t mean that you do anything in the world together, like go for ice cream or see a movie.
On their own, texting relationships might not seem like a big deal, but the challenges that they create is indeed a big deal. Virtual relationships stunt real relationships (and the skills they require).  The pseudo intimacy of the texting relationship preempts real intimacy, which then creates a divide that is difficult to cross.  The virtual romance happens at a pace and rhythm and with a hipness and ease that has little to do with real life romance or, for that matter, the emotional maturity of people... 

Adult relationships are also getting caught in the chasm between virtual and actual reality. After a first or second date, it is common for would-be couples to begin texting with a frequency, casualness, and intimacy that is at higher level of the relationship; they share their thoughts, feelings, and everyday experiences as if communicating with a best friend or maybe more accurately, a part of themselves. 
They share their lives, as well, without the discomfort or effort that a phone call or in person exchange might require. This  immediate intimacy then impedes the possibility of the relationship blossoming into something more real as the connection gets waylaid in a kind of texting purgatory: a fast-paced cool, pseudo-sexy.... relationship.

  Texting relationships feel in our control while real relationships often don't; we can be who we want in text relationships but not always in real ones.  

One can’t be as fabulous in person as in text.  And our friends can’t be as fabulous either, which means that the whole real life relating experience can become a kind of disappointment—ultimately lacking what the texting relationship can offer.  Once again, the real can’t compete with the virtual. 
I wonder, will the gap between our virtual and real life relationships grow so wide that we will opt to give up real life relationships altogether. Will there come a time when we no longer even pretend to want or need face to face interaction?  With the help of robotic technology, will future generations consider romance and courtship to be activities that happen entirely inside their devices?   

Virtual relationships may feel sexier, easier, cooler, and, in the short term, more pleasurable. ....but does it help in creating the shared memories...or it remains as textual memory kept in some cloud of WhatsApp or Google...whatever it is still it is better then nothing as you can connect to people for longer period in some real time ..


The Many Sides of the Self: Reflections at Ashoka, Coffee Breaks, and Lal Legionaries

What a turnaround, just few months back when life was so fast-paced I barely knew where the time went. Now, I'm sitting here...