Friday, July 31, 2020



a sign of aristrocracy
I used to think why so many people maintain lawns n now seeing in lutyens delhi the love of people for bungalow s n their fetish for lawns... 
‍Lawns are some of the most mundane things in the world until you really start thinking about them. That's when you realize that they make no sense. Why do people keep patches of perfectly manicured, uninteresting, pointless little plants outside their homes? They're not beautiful like flowers, they don't provide food and you have to mow them constantly.
In the Middle Ages, when French and English aristocrats started putting carefully cropped patches of grass at their castle entrances.

Well-kept lawns demanded land and a lot of work, particularly in the days before lawnmowers and automatic water sprinklers. So a job was created for poor people... by landlords... 

Peasants could never afford wasting their time or land on lawns, so these artificial meadows were a perfect status symbol for nobility. They proclaimed,.....I am so rich and powerful, and I have so many acres and serfs, that I can afford this green extravaganza.
This status symbol ended up outlasting the monarchies that created it. Kings and dukes were toppled and killed, but new presidents and prime ministers kept the lawns.

Humans thereby came to identify lawns with political power, social status and economic wealth...

Rich entrepreneurs appeared on the world scene ... And they wanted lawns too.

In this century now middle classes have started being able to afford their own mini versions of wealthy manors: suburban houses. And guess what has became the ultimate suburban status symbol? A perfectly mowed lawn.
People like us may not realize it, but we also meticulously care for patches of grass because centuries ago, medieval kins and badshahs wanted to show off how many people they had ... by intentionally planting something useless. 

It's strange that people would continue to spend so much time and money on what's really a weird leftover from the Middle Ages. But that's history n reality
When we now come to plan our dream house, we might think twice about having a lawn in the front yard
We are free to shake off the cultural cargo bequeathed to us by our netas, capitalist moguls etc. – and imagine a  rock garden, or some altogether new creation...


  1. Whether well maintained or not, that space where u can sit with family on a new year evening having bonfire litty party (as in my Patna home) or where children can play without getting hurt as bad onas they would on a cement or tiled floor is a dream home for me too.. if not in our private kothi, atleast in appartments.. children, young and old need that space with natural oxygen around.. we miss that private space of our homes in our metro lives..

  2. Replies
    1. I agree with you totally
      If I may know your name

    2. I agree with you totally
      If I may know your name

    3. Didn't know my name wasn't shiwing.. Ranjana Pandey Panigrahi

  3. "History and beautiful reality"...Nice and thoughtful makes us go back to the hay days..found the mowed lawns peaceful,serene and never the less RICH

  4. That begs the question, why lawn tennis? :)

    Nice one!


The Many Sides of the Self: Reflections at Ashoka, Coffee Breaks, and Lal Legionaries

What a turnaround, just few months back when life was so fast-paced I barely knew where the time went. Now, I'm sitting here...